Does Character.AI Allow NSFW? Know More about NSFW & How to Bypass it

Paula Pailaga Posted by Paula Pailaga to AI Tips Aug 14, 2023

Character.AI is an AI-generated chatbot that lets users converse with various characters they want. There are times when conversations contain sexy, offending, threatening messages. Some AI-generated chatbots allow it, but some don’t. Now the question is, "Does Character.AI allow NSFW?" To know the answer, continue reading this post, for it features what NSTW is, Does Character.AI allows it, and ways to bypass it. Explore them now!

Part 1: What is NSFW, and Does Character AI Allow NSFW?

Before exploring the answer to the question, "Does Character.AI allow NSFW?", explore first what NSFW means. In this way, you could understand why various AI-generated chatbot platforms support or allow this filter to occur in different conversations.

Character AI Interface

Not Safe For Work, or NSFW in short, is an expression used to refer to various types of content that contain sexy, offensive, threatening messages, explicit materials, violence, etc. It is considered unsuitable for some users, workplaces, and organizations. By restricting this kind of content, they can exercise and provide users with a safe platform for everyone.

Most AI-generated chatbots see the importance of not tolerating such content, not only because of the benefit of having a safe environment but also for users below 18. They begin to infuse their chatbots with an algorithm that filters various NSFW-related message contents. The algorithm, along with machine learning technology, is capable of analyzing images, videos, and texts linked to NSFW. Once detected, the algorithm will automatically remove any unsafe content from every conversation people have with their chosen AI character. There are also instances when users were marked as someone who violated the platform's restrictions and faced various punishments after being detected. Later, you’ll discover the punishments imposed by Character.AI for those users who violate their restrictions.

Now, going back to the question "Does Character.AI allow NSFW?" the answer is No, Character.AI doesn’t tolerate NSFW content on their platform. Character.AI supports a set of guidelines that users must follow. These guidelines don’t allow them to send any form of harmful and offensive content. This prevents content from building conflict with culture, gender, age, and individual sexuality. Also, to protect the platform as well. They mentioned these guidelines in their Terms of Service section under the Condition of Use, shown in the image below. Users who violate this list of Conditions of Use will face account suspension or termination. Again, Character.AI doesn’t allow NSFW content on their platform. Yes, you might feel that you are being prevented from expressing your feelings, but this indeed provides a safe platform for everyone.

Character AI Prohibited Contents

Part 2: How to Bypass the NSFW Restriction on Character.AI

That’s it! That’s the Character AI NSFW policy! It tells you can’t send NSFW-related content while on the platform. As mentioned above, you might find it like you are being prevented from expressing your feelings or thoughts. Well, what you have felt right there is actually why many people have begun to raise a petition about this Characters.AI’s NSFW filters.

Many people support the petition to remove the platform’s NSFW filters. Actually, this petition has already reached almost 70 thousand signatures. People push to make this petition as they conclude that the platforms infringe on their freedom of expression. Also, they find it too sensitive to block various words and phrases while in a conversation, which makes them annoyed and angry. As feedback, the Character.AI team released their statement that they needed a lot of time before providing a firm conclusion. Also, they stated that they are currently determining the best approach and strategies for dealing with NSFW-related content in every conversation on their platform.

Behind the conflicts between those people who only want to let them freely express their thoughts and the platform who want a safe environment, there are actually ways or walk-around to bypass NSFW restrictions. Although they will not directly eliminate Character.AI’s NSFW restriction algorithm, they can somehow bypass the equipped algorithm. So to hide from sending NSFW filter, you must do these walkarounds so you can Character AI do NSWF. Without any further ado, start exploring them below!

1. Replace Inappropriate Words

One of the best approaches to bypass the Character.AI NSFW restriction is by replacing inappropriate words with much more acceptable ones. For example, instead of using the term "Kill," you can use "Eliminate" or "Terminate." You can also coat it with some humor to make the bypass more effective. By replacing the words like this, you can be able to hide their inappropriateness to the platform’s NSFW restriction.

2. Don’t Stay at NSFW Conversation for a Long Time

Again, Character.AI is a chatbot generated with AI, which means that it technologically possesses human behavior and knowledge through the use of machine learning and other techniques. Staying to an NSFW-related conversation will trigger the chatbot to talk more about it, which definitely triggers the algorithm to detect it as NSFW content. That said, it would be best to change your topic immediately once you notice your conversation is too long.

3. Utilize Spacing and Special Characters to Hide NSFW Content

Another great way to bypass Character.AI’s NSFW restriction is adding extra spaces between NSFW words and special characters like #, %, &, ^, etc., to your messages. For example, instead of using the word "Kill" only, you can add a hashtag right before the term "Kill" (#Kill), and you can also add spaces between the letters (Ki l l). You can also combine it with extra special characters as well. This way, you can lengthen the NSFW conversion without having it easily detected by the algorithm of the platform.

4. Begin with General Content to much Specific

You must start your conversation with one of the Character.AI’s AI-generated chatbots with broad content and move to more specific content. You can combine the above approach to avoid getting caught by the platform’s restriction.

Part 3: FAQs about Character AI Allowing NSFW or Not


There you go! That’s the comprehensive information about what NSFW is and Does Character.AI allow NSFW. Now that you know that the platform doesn’t allow any form of NSFW content, as a user, you should definitely abide by and show empathy for what Character.AI see in its environment, which is a safe zone for its users. Also, as a user, you must use the platform according to its Terms of Service, which you first agreed on. Yes, it is much more enjoyable if you can and can express your feelings and thoughts while conversing with an AI chatbot. Don’t worry; the platform’s developers already heard you and are doing their best to tweak their NSFW filter approach to various content. While they are doing it, you can first enjoy talking with the platform’s different AI chatbots! Start talking to your favorite persona today!